Wednesday 27 October 2010

Defending tenancy rights from the Tories

Tory plans could force tenants from their homes

David Cameron has voiced plans to ditch the rights of tenants who wish to remain in their homes for as long as they wish to.

The Tories, propped up by the Lib Dems, are planning to introduce “fixed term tenancies” – meaning that in future those living in council or housing association homes could be forced out after just five years’ tenancy.

Families need secure homes

Everyone wants a secure and affordable home where nobody has the right to force you to move.

A secure home helps you establish yourself in your community, in work and in education. It gives you a real stake in your neighbourhood and a reason to make a contribution.

Fixed term tenancies could mean families being forced out of their homes after as little as five years.

People forced to move might not be able to afford private housing in expensive areas. Being priced out of your own home town could mean leaving friends, family, school and work behind.

Support Labour's campaign

Go to to sign the petition against these plans.