Wednesday 30 June 2010

VAT campaign

I took Labour’s campaign against the rise in VAT to Farnworth town centre at the weekend.

Joined by local activists I encouraged shoppers to sign a petition opposing the VAT rise from 17.5% to 20% announced in last week’s Budget.

The Tories are doing what they have always done in the past and raised VAT. It hits the poorest families the hardest, including pensioners, and it will be damaging to jobs and our economic recovery. This is on top of the cuts to tax credits and the freeze on child benefit.

The Liberal Democrats campaigned against a rise during the election but now they are supporting this VAT increase.

Why should those who can least afford it be made to suffer while bankers get away with taking massive bonuses?

I’m delighted with the positive response from people I spoke to in Farnworth on Saturday. They share my disgust at the Tories and Lib Dems plans.

I pledged during the election campaign that I would stand up for everyone in my constituency and that’s what I’m doing.

I will challenge the coalition Government when they are being unfair. That’s why I’m asking people to join me in opposing the hike in VAT.